New Episode of Innovations Airing November 18, 2013 via Discovery Channel

Join DMG Productions as they explore key Issues impacting our world.

Jupiter, FL— DMG Productions is proud to announce the upcoming airing of Innovations with Ed Begley, Jr., on Monday, November 18, 2013 at 7:00 a.m. EST via Discovery Channel.

In this episode of Innovations, viewers will learn about Knee Creations and their Subchondroplasty® procedure, a minimally invasive surgical intervention that treats bone defects by filling them with a biomimetic bone substitute material.

Audiences will be educated on Mammotome® and their Biopsy System, which allows doctors to achieve diagnostic confidence using a less invasive approach that offers women faster recovery, less scarring and lower costs of care as compared to open procedures. Viewers will learn why nearly 4.5 million women and their doctors have trusted the Mammotome® Biopsy system, and how Mammotome is continuing to develop breakthrough technologies for breast diagnostics.

The show will also feature Vertos Medical’s mild® procedure, which is designed to treat a common back condition called lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS). LSS is primarily a degenerative narrowing of the lower spinal canal that causes symptoms including pain, weakness, numbness, or tingling in the lower back, legs or buttocks when standing or walking. mild® is a safe, minimally invasive, outpatient procedure performed through an incision the size of a baby aspirin that requires no general anesthesia, no implants and no stitches. mild® can help patients diagnosed with LSS stand longer and walk farther with less pain.

In addition, the show will focus on FemCap Incorporated, creators of the FemCap and FemmyCycle. FemCap is a reusable, hormone-free, latex-free contraceptive device, which allows women to have greater control of their sex lives without changing their bodies’ natural hormones. The FemmyCycle is a reusable menstrual cup, which is a more economical and environmentally safe alternative to alternative to pads and tampons.

“We look forward to educating the public on the great things these companies are doing to better the lives of patients around the globe,” said Michele Nehls, producer for Innovations and DMG Production.

About Innovations:
Innovations, hosted by award winning actor Ed Begley, Jr., is an information-based series geared toward educating the public on the latest breakthroughs in all areas of society. Featuring practical solutions and important issues facing consumers and professionals alike, Innovations focuses on cutting-edge advancements in everything from health and wellness to global business, renewable energy, and more.

For more information visit: or call (866) 496-4065.

About DMG Productions:
The DMG production team consists of producers, cameramen and editors that have worked for CNN, TLC, Discovery, and other major news and cable networks. Our staff includes personnel specialized in various fields from agriculture to medicine, independent films to regional news. Our field producers utilize the core concepts from our producers who storyboard our programs, and work closely with experts in the field to develop the educational programs. This powerful force enables us to consistently produce commercial-free, educational programming that both viewers and networks depend on.

Media Contact:
Michele Nehls, Senior Producer / Innovations Television
(866) 496-4065 x 822 / [email protected]

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